Deutsch / Română
German State Theatre Timișoara

OPEN CALL: Energy in action

31 August 2023

With: Carolina Pizarro, Ikarus Stage Arts (DK)
Movement workshop based on prior registration

25-26.09, in the Hungarian State Theatre Studio Hall

Participants will focus on the basic training of an actor, techniques that link traditional disciplines and theatrical principles such as scores, rehearsal, organicity and rhythm. Through these exercises they will discover different types of energy in action and work on composition, opposition, balance and energy.

Participants will explore different ways of jumping, turning and moving in space from the physical scores of Kalaripayattu, using silence, different music, songs and texts to work with their voice and body.

Training Principles:
Dialogue with fatigue and endurance.
- Weight control, concentration, breathing, balance, flow and body center awareness.
- Theatricality and directions of the body, space and time.
- Development of three essential skills: patience and perseverance, capacity for effort and keeping calm and being in the present.

Participant’s Requirements:
- Participants must not have any physical problems.
- It is not necessary to have previous experience with this kind of workshop.
- Comfortable, neutral and pattern-free clothing. Change of clothes (T-shirt), drinking water.
- Should memorize a short text (20 lines) and a song.

- Maximum of 20 participants
- Language: English

Timetable and registration:
Application period: 31. August 2023-14. September 2023
Workshop period: 25-26. September 2023

Registration for the workshop should be done by sending an email to: - in which the participant should mention his/her full name and phone number. The number of available places is limited, therefore only the first 20 participants will be accepted.

Copyright Image © Miriam Ortega

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